Yes. The most important details to know are your flight number, the flight reservation number, departure/arrival airports, and the exact date of the flight. These details are usually provided in the confirmation email sent by the airline.
However, not all airlines are satisfied with this, so we would like to ask you to submit your flight documents (tickets, boarding passes, etc.) too. This very important in cases when airlines reject the claim: without documentation, we will not be able escalate the matter by going to authorities or courts.
No matter the time or resources spent on your claim, you won’t have to pay if we don’t win. Please, check Flycop Price List for more information.
According to your flight delay rights, you are entitled to get free food, refreshments, and accommodation from the airline if your flight is delayed for a certain period of time. This is intended to help cover the additional expenses that may be incurred as a result of the delay.
Yes. Just log in to your user account to see the whole process, check for any missing information required, and see other relevant information.
The rights of air passengers and the obligations of airlines are outlined in EU law by Regulation (EC) No. 261/2004. The document details the rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights.
No matter the time or resources spent on your claim, you won’t have to pay if we don’t win. Please, check Flycop Price List for more information.
Yes. The most important details to know are your flight number, the flight reservation number, departure/arrival airports, and the exact date of the flight. These details are usually provided in the confirmation email sent by the airline.
However, not all airlines are satisfied with this, so we would like to ask you to submit your flight documents (tickets, boarding passes, etc.) too. This very important in cases when airlines reject the claim: without documentation, we will not be able escalate the matter by going to authorities or courts.
If you are not sure whether you are entitled to compensation – fill in a claim in our system, or write to us at and we will answer all your questions.
You can always ask for a refund if you haven’t accepted a travel voucher yet. Legally, the airline can give you a travel voucher instead of refund or re-routing only if you accept such an option. If you already accepted the voucher, it’s for air carrier to decide, whether you can cash it out or not.