Flycop Ltd. – Terms of Privacy

Greetings from Flycop LLC. Please review our words and conditions, which include definitions for all words used in this Privacy Policy, in addition to this one.

Flycop guarantees the protection of its clients’ personal information when they visit the website and utilize Flycop’s services, respecting their right to privacy.

You consent to the terms of this privacy policy by using Flycop’s website, utilizing its services, and giving Flycop your personal information. To learn about our policies and procedures surrounding your personal data and how we will handle it, please carefully read the following:

If you have any questions about this privacy statement, please email us at .

Flycop has the ability to gather and handle personal data, as well as why it does so.

1.1. The services provided by Flycop include the following:

Assist in fulfilling the “Terms and Conditions” by providing the Services;

1.1.2. Educate the client on matters pertaining to the exercise of passengers’ rights, including the protection of those rights.

1.1.3. Tell the client about Flycop and Flycop’s Partners’ advertising efforts and offers.

1.2. Flycop complies with Kosovo and the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) (2016/679) when collecting, processing, and storing personal data. This includes adhering to the guidelines set forth in GDPR Article 5:

1.2.1. The processing of personal data must be done in a way that is fair, legal, and transparent;

1.2.2. Personal data may not be collected for objectives other than those that are clear, unambiguous, and lawful, nor may it be handled in a way that is inconsistent with those goals;

1.2.3. The gathering of personal information must be appropriate, pertinent, and restricted to that which is required in light of the reason(s) for processing it;

1.2.4. The personal information must be true and, if updated, kept current;

1.2.5. All reasonable measures must be taken to guarantee that promptly, any inaccurate personal data, considering the purposes for which it is processed, is deleted or corrected;

1.2.6. Personal information must be retained in a format that allows the data subject to be identified for as long as is required to fulfill the purposes for which it is processed;

1.2.7. All personal information must be kept private and kept in a way that provides the necessary security;

1.2.8. Personal information will only be disclosed to outside parties when agreed upon and required for them to perform services;

1.2.9. Data subjects will be entitled to request data portability, access to, and rectification, erasure, and restriction of processing of their personal data, in addition to the right to object to processing.

1.3. The client submits an application in order to receive compensation with Flycop’s help. The client submits the following personal information when filling out an application: name, surname, email address, mobile phone number, address, and date of birth. Airlines request these personal details because they will not entertain a case without them.

In the event that the client filed the application on behalf of a juvenile who they traveled with, the client also includes the minor’s name, last name, and birthdate.

The client may include further information and a brief summary of the situation in the fields labeled “Description” and “Suggested Reason for Delay.” The personal information of the client is not meant for these fields.

The client is asked to provide their flight and booking numbers while submitting their application. The option to upload a ticket and booking confirmation is now extended to the client. The aforementioned personal information is exclusively utilized for the reasons listed in the Privacy Policy’s subparagraph 1.1.

1.4. Following the submission of an application, each client has a personal account in Flycop’s system, where all of the data they have uploaded is kept. At any point, the client has the option to independently submit more documents or provide a description. The Privacy Policy’s paragraph 4 lists further client rights regarding personal data, such as the right to rectification or erasure.

1.5. The airline or another appropriate body may ask for additional personal information from the client, such as the identity card (ID) used to buy a ticket or a hand-signed power of attorney. In this instance, Flycop provides the client with the option to upload the aforementioned documents through his account. The client’s documents are kept on Flycop’s internal system following the upload. Only the quantity of submitted documents is displayed in the client’s personal account for security reasons. The actual document files are not displayed and cannot be downloaded.

1.6. In the event that it is decided to offer compensation, the Flycop Payment Policy specifies the list of the client’s personal data that is required, the reasons for using it, and the sequence in which it is processed and stored.

1.7. In addition to the information already provided, Flycop also gathers and handles client correspondence.

1.8. Should the client provide feedback on Flycop’s official websites or social media communities, Flycop may utilize it to further its advertising objectives on the aforementioned platforms as well as on the websites of Flycop’s partners. The feedback is anonymous and cannot be used to identify the contributor.

1.9. Flycop may utilize cookies to gather data from the client’s computer or other devices used to visit the website. The Flycop Cookie Policy provides information on cookies and why they are used.

The Duration of Personal Data Storage

2.1. If the client has not completed an application for compensation, their personal data will be retained for ten (10) years after Flycop and the client’s agreement is satisfied or after the client’s last activity on the website.

2.2. Information related to the client’s use of Flycop’s website opportunities or services that isn’t deemed personal data may be used in an anonymous manner for marketing and statistical purposes, among other uses. In any event, this type of data processing will prevent the client from being identified, either directly or indirectly.

Information Disclosure

3.1. If it is necessary for Flycop to fulfill its contractual responsibilities and to obtain reimbursement for the client’s claim, Flycop may divulge the client’s data to its affiliates, partners, and other third parties. In this case, Flycop only divulges personal information that is necessary for third parties to provide the services. Flycop does not share the information with outside parties in order to provide them with a chance to market their products or services to the client.

3.2. If Flycop feels in good faith that the disclosure is required to protect Flycop’s rights, clients’ or others’ safety, or to comply with a subpoena or other legal processes, Flycop may divulge the client’s data as required by law (such as by supervisory authorities to meet the requirements of the GDPR).

Rights of the Client

4.1. The client is entitled to file a complaint with the regulations overseeing data protection. Our primary regulator is the Information and Privacy Agency (AIP) and Flycop is registered in Kosovo. By going to htttps:// , the client can learn how to file a complaint with the AIP. The client can also get in contact with his local data protection regulator if he lives in the EU.

4.2. If the client is a member of the EU, Switzerland, or the UK, they are entitled to the following rights under European Data Protection law:

4.2.1. The ability to revoke consent for processing personal information;

4.2.2. Right to know: what personal information Flycop is using and why. Within one (1) month of the date of the client’s request, the information is sent to the email address that the client has provided. Because of the volume and complexity of the requests, the response period may be extended by up to two months.

4.2.3 Right of access: The client may ask for a copy of his data; however, this right does not grant access to Flycop’s internal communications, including those with other parties that are taking the client’s case into consideration;

4.2.4. Right of rectification: The Client is entitled to the correction of any erroneous data held;

4.2.5. Right to erasure, or “right to be forgotten”: Under certain conditions, the client is entitled to have his data erased;

4.2.6. Right to restrict processing: The client may, under certain conditions, ask that processing be halted but the data be kept;

4.2.7. The right to data portability allows the customer to ask for a copy of their data to be sent to another provider in a machine-readable format;

4.2.8. Right to object: The Client may object to processing in specific situations (such as when data is processed for marketing purposes or on the basis of legitimate interests);

The client can email Flycop at  to exercise any of the above-mentioned rights.

4.3. Flycop is free to keep client data on file for as long as necessary to comply with legal requirements, unrestricted by the terms of this section of the privacy policy.

Protection of Personal Information

4.4. Flycop may transfer and keep the information it receives from the client at a location outside of the European Economic Area (“EEA”). Additionally, Flycop’s hired employees based outside of the EEA who handle applications, submit claims, handle payments, and provide other support services could handle it. The client grants permission for this transfer, storage, or processing of his personal data by submitting it. Flycop shall make every effort that is practically possible to guarantee that the client’s data is handled securely and in compliance with this privacy policy.

4.5. Despite taking every precaution to safeguard the client’s personal information, Flycop is unable to ensure the security of the information sent by the client to the website. The client assumes all liability for any transfer. After receiving the client’s information on the website, Flycop will process it using secure organizational and technical procedures to guard against unauthorized access, accidental or unlawful data deletion, alteration, or disclosure, as well as from any other illegal activity. Flycop stores the information you provide on secure servers.

4.6. The client is required to take proactive steps to protect the privacy of his personal information, including making every effort to protect the confidentiality of the password required to access the website. The client is responsible for making sure that these data are not obtained by third parties, either directly or indirectly, and that the client’s data is not used for other objectives, such as gaining access to the website or services. Any third-party activities performed using the client’s data are the responsibility of the client, and to the fullest extent possible, the client will be liable for any responsibilities and liabilities deriving from or connected to these third-party actions.

4.7. Flycop reserves the right to stop processing a client’s personal information while it verifies and clarifies any data that the client provides that it is unsure of. Kindly direct any questions you may have about the protection of personal information to  .

Connections to Other Websites

5. Flycop disclaims any liability for the processing of personal data via third-party websites (referred to as “related websites”). Links to connected websites may occasionally be found on the website for your convenience and information. Although the client may visit such associated websites through Flycop’s website, Flycop disclaims all obligation with regard to the terms of use, privacy policies, and cookie policies, as well as the content and activities of such related websites. Before using any linked website, Flycop advises the client to review its terms of use, privacy policies, and cookie policies.

Final Provisions

6.1. The laws of Kosovo shall apply to the interpretation and application of this Privacy Policy.

6.2. Flycop may unilaterally add to and/or modify this privacy policy at any time without notifying the client in advance. Any updates or additions to this privacy statement take effect as soon as they are posted on the website.

6.3. The remaining sections of this privacy policy shall be fully enforceable even if any one of them is found to be unlawful.

Updated January 23, 2024